Being Human at the Wellcome Collection (2019)
Research Brief
After ten years of attracting more than 700,000 visitors per year, the ‘Medicine Now ‘ gallery at the Wellcome Collection was reimagined by curator Clare Barlow as ‘Being Human’, a new permanent gallery that explores trust, identity and health in a changing world. The brief was to research areas of contemporary science and medicine, and to propose socially engaged narratives that will remain relevant for the next ten years. ‘Being Human’ opened in September 2019.
Research Process
The four core themes of this exhibition were ‘infection’, ‘genetics’, ‘environment’, and ‘minds and bodies’. I took some initial starting points from the curatorial team, and explored where each of these core themes connected with contemporary science, society and culture. My research materials included scientific papers, documentary, film, literature, print and broadcast media. The academic fields that informed my research included medicine, science, psychology and social science.
Informing the Curatorial Process
My primary role in the curatorial process was to provide a scientific perspective on the development of the themes, and the narratives explored in the exhibition. I provided detailed documents to the curatorial team with clear explanations and socially conscious explorations of topics related to the core themes. I focused on high quality research and discussions that are relevant to diverse audiences, and that highlight diverse scientists and science communicators.
“Curator Clare Barlow said the gallery was a celebration of the fact ‘we are all different, but also all connected. We all have an impact, both on each other and on the world around us. Each of the objects raises questions and brings in different perspectives.”