SEEING at Science Gallery Dublin (2016)
Theme Development
The starting point for SEEING at Science Gallery Dublin was an exploration of vision and perception from both human and technological perspectives. As a team , we distilled this into some key questions — “Is vision just one way to see? How do our brains interpret what’s in front of our eyes? How do machines understand what they’re looking at, and will they change how we look at the world?” — and we looked at how these questions might relate to our target audiences.
As the researcher for SEEING, my role was to identify important contemporary conversations happening across art, science and society that would connect with the central themes of the exhibition. This research informed our international open call process, it helped us identify research collaborations, and it shaped the narratives we created through the exhibition and events programme.
I worked with the programme manager, exhibitions manager, and events managers to provide scientific context for all SEEING artworks, experiments, and events, and to ensure they worked together to form a cohesive narrative. SEEING attracted 138,464 visitors in Dublin before touring internationally, and 93% of visitors said would recommend the exhibition to family and friends.